Saturday, February 28, 2009

notpr0n - Level Seventeen

Level Seventeen
'aliens are coming'

A rest level. Our other hint on this level is in the source code
!--what am I?-->
Change the URL to what the object is. But before going to the next level, let's have some fun and try to come up with some options

notpron.htm - gives some almost-pron
egg.htm - 'gack fool.......eggs are different'
ufo.htm - 'hello mulder, you won't believe it, but it's no aliens!!'
light.htm - 'that would be a bit too easy...'
sun.htm - 'you wish'
bulb.htm - 'where do you put the bulb in?'


On to Level Eighteen
Until then

notpr0n - Level Sixteen

Level Sixteen

The main hints are again in the source code. Have
!-- invert az-->
This means change all a's by z's, b's by y's and so on. With this hint, the URL of the level becomes all/names.htm and the other source-code hint
!-- # = ellwll/hrnkov/proo/... -->
becomes '# = voodoo/simple/kill/...', which were the username part of passwords of previous levels. Notice that '0' means that the level didn't have a username and password. The password hint is 'deja vu?', which isn't very helpful. There are a number of possible interpretations of the symbol # despite the hint above, but we have 'all names' in the URL, which suggests that the numbers refer to the position of the letter in the username of the level and # inverts the letter.

- - - d
o o - m
m - u r
d e r

doommurder. So our username and pass are doom murder. On to Level Seventeen

Until then
Level Fifteen
'hit the keys'

The key hint here is in the source code (the password hint reads 'you are on your own'). It reads
!-- [1] 4 [2] 1 [3] 6 [2] 3 [1] 9 [3] 7
[2] 2 6 [1] 8 5-->

'Hit the keys' and URL 'rusty board' imply this has something to do with the keyboard. Let us try to interpret the numbers as coordinates of keys. Notice that all bracketed numbers are between 1 and 3, so those are possibly rows and the other numbers might be the number of the key counted from left to right or right to left. The first interpretation gives


and this works. On to Level Sixteen
Until then
Level Fourteen
'He knew the feeling...'

The same album as in Level Five and the same remote. We get a source code hint
what language is the password hint? use it properly!-->
and the password hint is 'quoi?', which means 'what?' in french. We have the name and password - deja vu and déjà vu is how to write it in french. On to Level Fifteen

Until then

notpr0n - Level Thirteen

Level Thirteen
'lucy not in the sky'

The text below the image hint is 'no maths', the pass hint is 'i live there' and we have two objects from previous levels. The source code hint is vague here too, it is
!-- he's been a bad boy -->
Looking at the source code, we notice that there are areas marked as 'n of 5' which can be either the name or password. Because of 'no maths', we expect them to be letters. So the 2nd letter is E, the 3rd V, 5th L and two which can be either 1st or 3rd are D (you can hardly see it) and I. The word is DEVIL and from the password hint 'i live there' the natural thing to try is HELL, which does work. Seems lucy in the title is lucifer

Playing around with the URL in the obvious ways (changing before to after or death to life) gives some easter eggs. I can't see the relevance of the ring or the alarm clock, although I'm sure there is something neat about them

On to Level Fourteen
Until then

notpr0n - Level Twelve

Level Twelve

Wonderful level :) Below the image we have the hint 'I'm ruining the third dimension!' the pass hint is 'attention whore' and the (again very important) source code hints are
!-- switch pics for parallel view -->
!--GIF me my picture back-->

So, we want to name one of the objects on screen.

Downloading the .zip file gives a video of the dragon that shows how its constructed to create a visual illusion that its always facing the camera. Following the other hint, open the level image in a separate window and change its format from .jpg to .gif. We get the following:

Note that because of the visual illusion the dragon creates, the only object that gives away that the camera's vantage point moved between the two frames of the animation is the remote control. And this is our name and password :). On to Level Thirteen

Until then

notpr0n - Level Eleven

Level Eleven
'ahead of its time'

We get no hints other than the title and that's sufficient (the password window text is 'follow the truth', which I can't make sense of even knowing the answer). The key here is noticing that the image is called 'screen12.jpg' even though this is level 11. Ahead of its time, eh? So, opening the following image

we get the name and password - fucking pans (these words are visible even without inverting the image, even though it is very dark). On to Level 12

Until then

notpr0n - Level Ten

Level Ten
'he was impatient'

Fun! Our clues are 'he was impatient' in the title, 'operator woman said it' in the password window and ones in the source code. These latter are especially important. We have
!-- quick quick, don't let me wait -->

right under the code embedding the background sound into the page, which for this level has changed from all previous levels and
!--%SystemRoot%\System32\sndrec32.exe can capture "what u hear"-->

which opens a windows program for editing audio files.

'Operator woman said it', so download the music file, speed it up ('he was impatient') and reverse it (!) in the recommended program. This gives the level name and password - grey world

One easter egg: changing 'wrong' to 'right' in the URL gives a webpage with words 'its not that easy, fool'. This sort of message will become quite common as we progress. Maybe I won't record them after the n-th occurence, but for now I consider it a valid easter egg :)

On to Level Eleven
Until then

notpr0n - Level Nine

Level Nine

There's a Beatles song called 'Revolution Nine' and most of the hints on this level tie into this. Our hints are 'colorful' in the password window, 'paul is dead' in the URL and the lines

'tears under john's mad notes of pain
did he answer demon's call now'

under the image.

There are no hints in the source code this time, but the 'tears under...' lines are formatted in a weird way. Picking out the letters surrounded by tags
span class="not", Get 'turnmeon' and 'deadman'. Click on the 9 in the top left corner and enter these as the name and pass. On to Level 10

I'm sure there is a ton of Beatles-related easter eggs to be found here, but I have found just one: gives a webpage with words 'yeah i know he is alive, but don't waste your time with the Mc!' (his last name is McCartney :))

Until then

notpr0n - Level Eight

Level Eight
'say it loudly and proudly'

Tricky! Notice first that the image file is called 'screen8a.jpg'. Changing the a to b leads to the following image:

and screen8.jpg is not found. I couldn't come up with any other creative things to get another image.

The text below the image is 'JAY should PACK his stuff' and the hint in the password window is "mom, he formated my second song". Consulting the source code, we get the hint
!-- water became wine -->

And also notice that the page has two background music sounds, with the HTML markup of the embedding of the second one into the page being wrong. Tying this back to the 'second song' hint above, try to download it, which gives a file that is just ~20kB big, which is too small for a music file. JAY PACK sounds sort of like jpeg and 'water became wine' ties into this idea. Converting the file from mus2.mp3 to mus2.jpg (or just opening it in paint) gives an image saying

name: inverted password: levelten


Until then
Level Seven
'he went to the old school'

This is a Twix candy bar! I eat them all the time and could recognize the gold wrapper and the font of the 'x'. Unfortunately, if you couldn't recognize one, you would have no way to get past this level. On to the clues. In the source code we have

!--what candy wrapper is it?-->
!-- times have changed in deutschland -->

The URL of the page is /sdrawkcab/tieman.htm which looks unintelligible at first glance, but read backwards is /backwards/nameit.htm. Change nameit.htm to twix.htm! We get a web page saying 'wenoot' (changing nameit.htm to xiwt.htm gives a page saying 'too new' :)). Well...the level has a very handy search bar. Looking up twix online, we find that it is actually called 'raider' in germany among other countries until quite recently (times have changed in Deutschland). Changing the URL to THIS gives a page saying 'dnuorayawrehto', which is 'other way around' other way around. Of course! Change the URL one last time to rediar.htm and on to Level Eight

Until then

notpr0n - Level Six

Level Six
'...the source code might help...'

The prominent text below the image reads 'An ALTernative?' and the title of the level points to the source code. Looking at the source code reveals

!--ascii is an alternative-->
ASCII is a coding standard for information, including letters and so on. In DOS (!) to enter one of the ASCII characters you need to hold the Alt key and enter the character's code. So 'An ALTernative' might also have something to do with ASCII

Also we find an imbedded frame of the following page

(its the same thing you get scrolling down)

Highlighting the contents of the frame, we get the numbers
108 105 108 107
117 111 114 104

Which look like ASCII encodings. Searching online (for decimal encodings -a priori they could be in base-9, or worse, but they aren't!) we get
l i l k
r o t h

Clicking in the lower left corner of the photo and entering these lines, they doesn't work as the name and password. But we notice the hint 'anagram' and unscramble to get

Changing the url to we get a web page with text saying 'This is the wrong alternative! go back!'

Didn't find any other easter eggs or ways to go about it :) On to Level Seven

Until then

notpr0n - Level Five

Level Five
'Light your torch...'

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy! So that's what 'Voodoo Power' was all about.

Another 'google' level. The START/STOP button on the remote asks for a name and a password and gives a hint 'live'. The URL instructs to "google" 'She's the one for me'. Very faintly across the bottom of the screen is written 'eyes like an angel smiles like a devil' and more prominently 'What was the name of this song again?' Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is a band, in case you didn't know. All these clues are 'in line' and the only thing left is to search for the lyrics 'Eyes like an angel Smiles like a devil She's the one for me' by 'Big Bad Voodoo Daddy', which gives song title 'Simple songs' which was included on the album 'Live'. This is our username and password

Really simple, isn't it? They will get more fun soon :)

Until then

notpr0n - Level Four

Level Four
'Look in the dark...'

This is the first level that encourages you to use google and for good reason - on the left ('in the dark') we have two words in morse code so we'll (possibly :)) need google to translate them. Why bother? Clicking on the flashlight asks for a username/password combination to proceed and the encoded words are a good candidate.

By the way, often the password box will contain a hint and it is a good habit to check it. But in this instance the hint is 'LightThisPlaceNow', which isn't very useful. In any case,

...- --- --- -.. --- --- = voodoo
.--. --- .-- . .-. = power

Until then

notpr0n - Level Three

Level Three
'Turn me ON!'

The image is now a gif, which might mean that it is animated. And it is, the phrase that's flashing across the screen reads 'Stop being so negative!'

We have our first hint in the source code, which reads

!-- read the whole url -->

and the URL /false/gototheothersite.htm

So we start playing with the URL. Some options

/false/negative.htm gives page with text 'Stop being so negative!'
/false/positive.htm gives text 'lol no! the folder rather than the file'

Changing 'false' to 'true' in the URL takes us to the next level

Until then

notpr0n - Level Two

Level Two
'something was in his way'

Another door... But this time, it's a little trickier. Repeating the solution from Level One and Placing your mouse over the door knob gives the message

The door is closed. Trick it or reach LEVEL3 in a different way! (Address? Where is the hand pointing?)

So you can do three things
- 'Trick' the door. Once you Place your mouse over the door knob, don't move it and Press a key on your keyboard. This will get rid of the pop up and leave your mouse free to click away
- 'Trick' it another way by pressing the TAB key until the doorknob is selected and pressing enter
- See where the hand is pointing? Replace 'level2' with 'level3' in the URL (This is the nicer way, to my mind)

Not much else on this page, except

"General hints:
Try all (except cheating) to get to the next screen, no matter what. It's no point and click thing"

True, it's a point-and-type-and-click thing :)

Despite the promise of source code in the previous level, we still don't get any here. On to Level Three

Until then

PS. Originally the game consisted of just the first five levels and I found that inserting 'old' in front of image file names gives old versions of the same photos. But this isn't that interesting to me, since it's more about the process of creating the site than anything else. But if you're interested, check that out. The alternate image for this level here for example is:

notpr0n - A Captivating Mission Statement and Level 1

notpr0n is a puzzle game on the internet. The url is

It is sometimes quite hard and not all puzzles are interesting. But it is fun :) Some of levels are Inspired and require real ingenuity to solve

I decided to start recording the ways i solved the problems. The main reason is not so much to make a walkthrough but to record various 'easter eggs' and false paths that is possible to take. So this is in a way an easter egg hunt, beyond being a guide to solving a level. The easter eggs are often entertaining (and even sometimes contradict the game's name)

The possibility of hidden material makes me curious about what Else is There. I can't make this exhaustive, so heres where it would be nice if others commented with their approaches and added to mine. For this reason i'm going to break up every level into a separate post, with comments enabled. But i don't expect any comments. My expectation for this is to be a log of my approach that it is possible to add to as i find different approaches :)

Level One

There are (at least) two possible paths from this level: one enumerated by the positive and the other by the negative integers. I'm going to start with the positive integers. This is natural, the positives will later help us to solve the negatives. Anyway, Enter the door by Clicking on it :) We're on to Level Two. But let's take a moment to record the few easter eggs i found and one level that is in between the two paths

One trick a person playing notpr0n learns quite early is to check the HTML source code of the web pages comprising the puzzle for comments containing extra information and hints. the only bit in the source code for this page is
!--good idea, but the source is one screen ahead of this one-->

Its quite far down the source code. the word 'ahead' refers to either path, of course :)

Level Zero

pretty :) The image is called 'null.jpg', which is just another word for 0. Not much else here, except the source info
!--get down more!-->
Hopefully we'll be doing this in due time :) But for now, let us puzzle along the natural numbers

Yet other stuff
I found one more easter egg accessible from this level (so far) that is unrelated to either path through the game

We can change the url of the site slightly to get which doesn't quite deliver what it promises, but almost. :) But some later levels...

Until then