'he was impatient'
Fun! Our clues are 'he was impatient' in the title, 'operator woman said it' in the password window and ones in the source code. These latter are especially important. We have
!-- quick quick, don't let me wait -->right under the code embedding the background sound into the page, which for this level has changed from all previous levels and
!--%SystemRoot%\System32\sndrec32.exe can capture "what u hear"-->
which opens a windows program for editing audio files.
'Operator woman said it', so download the music file, speed it up ('he was impatient') and reverse it (!) in the recommended program. This gives the level name and password - grey world
One easter egg: changing 'wrong' to 'right' in the URL gives a webpage with words 'its not that easy, fool'. This sort of message will become quite common as we progress. Maybe I won't record them after the n-th occurence, but for now I consider it a valid easter egg :)
On to Level Eleven
Until then