Saturday, February 28, 2009

notpr0n - A Captivating Mission Statement and Level 1

notpr0n is a puzzle game on the internet. The url is

It is sometimes quite hard and not all puzzles are interesting. But it is fun :) Some of levels are Inspired and require real ingenuity to solve

I decided to start recording the ways i solved the problems. The main reason is not so much to make a walkthrough but to record various 'easter eggs' and false paths that is possible to take. So this is in a way an easter egg hunt, beyond being a guide to solving a level. The easter eggs are often entertaining (and even sometimes contradict the game's name)

The possibility of hidden material makes me curious about what Else is There. I can't make this exhaustive, so heres where it would be nice if others commented with their approaches and added to mine. For this reason i'm going to break up every level into a separate post, with comments enabled. But i don't expect any comments. My expectation for this is to be a log of my approach that it is possible to add to as i find different approaches :)

Level One

There are (at least) two possible paths from this level: one enumerated by the positive and the other by the negative integers. I'm going to start with the positive integers. This is natural, the positives will later help us to solve the negatives. Anyway, Enter the door by Clicking on it :) We're on to Level Two. But let's take a moment to record the few easter eggs i found and one level that is in between the two paths

One trick a person playing notpr0n learns quite early is to check the HTML source code of the web pages comprising the puzzle for comments containing extra information and hints. the only bit in the source code for this page is
!--good idea, but the source is one screen ahead of this one-->

Its quite far down the source code. the word 'ahead' refers to either path, of course :)

Level Zero

pretty :) The image is called 'null.jpg', which is just another word for 0. Not much else here, except the source info
!--get down more!-->
Hopefully we'll be doing this in due time :) But for now, let us puzzle along the natural numbers

Yet other stuff
I found one more easter egg accessible from this level (so far) that is unrelated to either path through the game

We can change the url of the site slightly to get which doesn't quite deliver what it promises, but almost. :) But some later levels...

Until then

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